
Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries
Mobilizing grants for bio-based innovations in the Central and Eastern European countries

On the 28th of April 2022, Geonardo took part in an excellent webinar organized under the framework of the BIOEASTsUP Horizon2020 project. The event was hosted and moderated by Barna Kovács, Secretary-General of BIOEAST with the support of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, the Institute of Agriculture Economics (AKI) in Hungary and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The webinar aimed to give information on the most recent research and innovation grants related to biomass production and processing.  

Public Webinar on urban Circular bioeconomy practices and the CEE region
Public Webinar on urban Circular bioeconomy practices and the CEE region

Take part in this webinar on 13 May 10.00- 11.30am CEST!

We will have representatives from organizations working on bioeconomy, biowaste management presenting at the webinar such as ANTEJA ECG, the Bioeconomy Cluster, the Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem (MATE) and the Hoop Project.

ReThinkAction - Cross-sectoral planning decision-making platform to foster climate action
ReThinkAction - Cross-sectoral planning decision-making platform to foster climate action

ReThinkAction is a four-year-long project funded under the Horizon 2020-EU.3.5 programme. The project is a cooperation between thirteen partners from nine countries with expertise ranging from social sciences, political sciences, land use-based policy environmental sciences, atmospheric sciences, information and communication technology modelling, earth observation, climatology, and communication. Geonardo is part of this excellent consortium representing Hungary in the project. 

From project to commercialization, check what CoastObs has to offer to you!
From project to commercialization, check what CoastObs has to offer to you!
Based on the work carried out during the CoastObs H2020-funded project, we have now products and services to offer to you in water quality data for coastal areas. 
Geonardo's project featured in CORDIS Info Synergy Pack!
Geonardo's project featured in CORDIS Info Synergy Pack!
Together with other 33 projects, AQUA-LIT is featured due the groundbreaking work supporting the development of the technical, social, governance innovation and business models needed to secure the restoration of aquatic ecosystems and the development of a sustainable, resilient and climate-neutral blue economy.
5th edition of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference
5th edition of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference
GEO attends the annual European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference
AQUA-LIT was interviewed for the Horizon Europe Magazine!
AQUA-LIT was interviewed for the Horizon Europe Magazine!

In an article called "Beach bots, sea ‘raptors’ and marine toolsets mobilised to get rid of marine litter", Horizon Europe Magazine talks about the work carried out in our project. 


First FOODRUS citizen science co-creation workshop on e-learning materials
First FOODRUS citizen science co-creation workshop on e-learning materials

FOODRUS project partners attended the online co-creation workshop for e-learning materials organized by Geonardo

GEO attended the Online EU Conference on modelling for Policy support
GEO attended the Online EU Conference on modelling for Policy support

The EU Conference on modelling for policy support took place on 22-26 November 2021

SCALIBUR General Project meeting
SCALIBUR General Project meeting

During 1-3 December SCALIBUR project partners met online, the General project meeting took place on 1-2 December and a special session on Stakeholder Engagement was celebrated on 3 December.

10th Sustainability Conference - Gastronomy as an Engine of Change
10th Sustainability Conference - Gastronomy as an Engine of Change

GEO takes part at the 10th Sustainability Conference – Gastronomy as an engine of change held by the Basque Culinary Center

OTTER project kicked-off!
OTTER project kicked-off!
Our newest project on outdoor science education just kicked-off last Monday!