Geonardo’s new H2020 project to tackle urban biowaste

Geonardo attended the kick-off meeting of the project SCALIBUR (Scalable Technologies for Bio-Urban Waste Recovery) on 14-15 November 2018 in Valencia, Spain. The meeting was hosted by the Packaging, Transport and Logistics Research Center – ITENE, the project coordinator. The four-year project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme, and 21 partners form part of the consortium. SCALIBUR aims at inspiring a revolution in urban biowaste recycling in Europe by demonstrating a range of innovative technologies to produce high value-added products such as bioplastics and biopesticides. Geonardo is leading the design and development of the e-learning platform and a training kit for municipalities, communities and entrepreneurs to replicate the project’s solutions in Europe.