Geonardo Joins SURPASS 4th General Assembly to Drive Sustainable Innovations

Geonardo, participated in the Horizon Europe project SURPASS 4th General Assembly in Oyonnax, France, from December 3rd to 5th. The event showcased advancements in safe, sustainable, and recyclable polymeric materials for Small and Middle Enterprises (SMEs) in the building, transport, and packaging sectors.

SURPASS focuses on demonstrating innovative technologies to benefit SMEs, addressing eco-friendly practices in various sectors. The General Assembly highlighted progress, future plans, and challenges in implementing the project.

During the event, Case Study leaders presented their scientific work, providing insights into advancements in building, transport, and packaging sectors. The consortium visited recycling and processing platforms, gaining practical knowledge in sustainable material practices.

The Assembly also fostered social connections through an excellent project dinner, allowing partners to deepen their understanding and relationships. Geonardo's role includes contributions to the SURPASS e-learning platform, life cycle costing assessment, and digital infrastructure development.

Geonardo's presence reaffirms their commitment to sustainability and collaborative innovation. As the project progresses, collective efforts promise positive changes in polymeric materials and their applications.